Wednesday, March 5
7:00am Hardy Memorial Methodist Men's Breakfast, 1st Wednesday
6:00pm Ash Wednesday Service - Meal at 5:00pm
Saturday, March 8
10:00am Hardy Memorial Methodist Women, 2nd Saturday, Fellowship Hall
Sunday, March 9
9:30am Lambs will visit in the Children's Dept. Hall
Tuesday, March 11
6:30pm Finance Committee meeting
7:30pm Church Council meeting
Sunday, March 16
12:00pm Sunday Pot Luck Lunch, 3rd Sunday Noon - Methodist Men's Spaghetti Fundraiser
Wednesday, March 19
1:00pm Food Pantry, third Wednesday
Friday, March 21
12:00pm Methodist Men's Lunch, 3rd Saturday - @ Chuck Wagon, Nash, TX
Saturday, March 22
5:00pm Hardy Memorial Dinner Club - at Pier 27 Seafood Restaurant, 16095 AR-237, Doddridge, AR 71834
Monday, March 24
12:30pm New Horizons, 4th Monday - Lunch & Bingo
Ash Wednesday Service
Lent begins with Ash Wednesday, March 5. After our 5pm dinner that evening, we'll adjourn to the sanctuary for this service. The service will feature scripture, prayer, preaching (by Kaleb Harp), and imposition of ashes. The theme of the service is repentance and reconciliation with God.
Join us for Worship Service starting at 10:45 am.
Our inspiring service contains contemporary worship songs as well as time-honored hymns. We have special music from our adult choir, children's choir, or individuals. We seek to have Christ-centered services focused on prayer and Bible-based messages.
We're continually planning meaningful gatherings and activities for our community. Please remember to check back regularly to stay informed about these events and join in the wonderful experiences we have in store for you.

Join us every 3rd Sunday at noon each month.
4th Monday of each month
Join us for the New Horizons Lunch & Bingo starts at 12:30 pm
Hardy Dinner Club gets together at 5:00 pm
Join us at the Blue Ember Smokehouse, 606 Walton Dr., Texarkana, TX
Fit4Moms Exercise Group
Moms and their kids meet for exercise in the Youth Lodge at 8:30 am
Yoga meets at 11:00 am
Hardy Memorial Methodist Men meet at 7:00 am every 1st Wednesday - breakfast of bacon (lots), eggs, sausage, gravy, biscuits, and GRITS!
Hardy Memorial Food Pantry meets at 1:00 pm every 3rd Wednesday.
Wednesday meals begin at 5:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall
Chancel Choir practice meets from 7:00 - 8:00 pm
Yoga meets at 11:00 am

New Horizons Lunch & Bingo -
Join us for the regular meeting on the 4th Monday at 12:30 pm.
Don't miss out on this wonderful chance to savor both the camaraderie and the thrill of the game - it's an event that promises good times and cherished memories.

Join the Hardy Methodist Men for a heartwarming morning filled with camaraderie and a delicious breakfast. This vibrant community gathers every 1st Wednesday to kick start the day with warm smiles and uplifting conversations.
Beyond the joyous gatherings, their commitment to nurturing the future shines through their annual donations to graduating Senior Youth, exemplifying their dedication to supporting the younger generation's aspirations and dreams. Come be a part of this generous and welcoming group as they foster lasting bonds and make a positive impact on the lives of aspiring young minds.

Welcome to the Hardy Methodist Women!
We will meet monthly - 2nd Monday morning meeting or 3rd Monday evening meeting, as well as quarterly meetings. The next quarterly meeting will be on June 10th in the Fellowship Hall. The current president of Hardy Methodist Women is Beth Melton. Come join us at the meeting time convenient to you!
Visit our Hardy Methodist Women's web page.

Hardy Memorial Sunday Pot Luck Lunch
We cordially invite you to partake in a mouthwatering church-wide potluck dinner, a cherished tradition that takes place every 3rd Sunday of each month at Noon. Prepare your taste buds for a delightful feast as we come together to share an abundance of delectable dishes. Beyond the delectable spread, this gathering offers an enchanting opportunity for Fellowship, where hearts and appetites intertwine. As we savor the flavors and exchange warm conversations, we build a stronger sense of community and togetherness.
Join us in this heartwarming event as we celebrate the joy of sharing, the richness of connection, and the beauty of coming together around the table.

Sundays at 6:00 pm
Galations - led by Pastor, Richard Heyduck
How God Became King - led by Pastor, Richard Heyduck
Psalms - led by Mark Roberts
The Chosen - Season 1 - movie

Birth to 5th Grade
Visit our Children's page
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." - (Matthew 19:14)
Julianna Aaron - Children's Director
- Sunday School, 9:45 am
- Children's Church & Nursery, during Worship
- Choir practice each Sunday, 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
- Wednesday night Bible Study, 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

6th Grade - 12th Grade
Visit our Youth page
Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity. (1 Timothy 4:12)
Billy Whitt - Youth Director
Sunday Activities
- Sunday School, 9:45 am
- Youth Music, 4:30 pm
- Youth Activities, 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm

Meets from 9:45 am - 10:30 am
For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them. (Matthew 18:20)
One - Two Year Old
Sue Jones & Alice McVey - Children's Classroom
Kindergarden - 1st Grade
Christi Heyduck & Sue Droske
4th Grade - 5th Grade
Bonnie Miller
Faith Seekers
Shannan Whitt & Jerry Black
Ephesians Class
Paul Miller
Friendship Class
Larry Rose & Kristi Mc Casland
3 - 4 Year Old
Katie Walz - Children's Classroom
2nd Grade - 3rd Grade
Beth Melton
Youth - 6th - Teens
Billy Whitt
Service Class
Class Teachers rotate, Choir room
G.I.F.T. Class
Class Teachers rotate, Library

The Third Wednesday Food Pantry would like to extend a Hardy Thank You to everyone who participates in this program.
Through efforts such as this, we are able to feed 60 families a month through our Food Pantry, and we are able to support a couple of community Blessing Boxes. Averaging twice a month, the Third Wednesday Food Pantry donates and distributes non-perishable items to the Blessing Boxes located at Chapelwood United Methodist Church on N. Kings Hwy and at Northwood Presbyterian on Richmond Road.
We are accepting canned goods and non-perishable food.
Please take a bag and fill it with non-perishable food and return the bag to the table here in the Foyer. We also will gladly accept cash donations.
Participate by donating!
Most needed items for the food drive:
- Peanut Butter, Jam, or Jelly
- Rice, Beans
- Individual Mac and Cheese, soup, Top Ramen
- Canned fruit and vegetables
- Canned Chicken or Tuna
- Protein Drinks such as Ensure or Premiere
- Canned soups, Chili, Broth
- Crackers, snacks, Granola bar, Trail Mix, prepared pudding
- Cereal/Oatmeal
- Juice Packs/ Water
We are also accepting volunteers for packing and handing out the bags on the 3rd Wednesday of every month.