We want our children to develop into young adults with a mature and solid faith experiencing the love of Christ, and embrace Christ personally.
We provide a purposeful and fun learning environment that will help them grow and remember their Sunday School experience every day of their lives.
Hardy Memorial Global Methodist Church invests in a multi-dimensional learning environment for our kids. Your child will learn the principles of the Christian faith through art, music, drama, video, puppets, stories, and games!
Starts, 9:45 am - 10:30 am
For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them. (Matthew 18:20)
One - Two Year Old
Sue Jones - Children's Classroom
3 - 4 Year Old
Katie Walz - Children's Classroom
Kindergarden - 1st Grade
Christi Heyduck & Sue Droske
2nd Grade - 3rd Grade
Beth Melton
4th Grade - 5th Grade
Bonnie Miller
Youth - 6th - Teens
Billy Whitt
Faith Seekers
Shannan Whitt & Jerry Black
Service Class
Class Teachers rotate, Choir room
Ephesians Class
Paul Miller
G.I.F.T. Class
Class Teachers rotate, Library
Friendship Class
Larry Rose & Kristi Mc Casland