One Day of Missions
Our church families had the opportunity to give back to the community! We repaired roofs, raked leaves, repaired porches, packaged beans and rice, delivered fresh flowers to the Nursing Homes and even painted a classroom on campus! It was a great day!
Hardy Helping Hands
Here I am Lord. Is it I Lord?
Can you do simple household repairs? Can you drive someone to an appointment? Can you take someone grocery shopping? Can you pick up a prescription for someone? If the answer is "Yes" then YOU can be a Hardy Helping Hand. Many people in our congregation have just such needs. Other people in our congregation are willing to help. You could be just that person. This is a new mission that we are working to organize - a group of Hardy members who can be contacted and who will provide help to other Hardy members who have a need. If you would like to be a part of this mission and have the time and skills to donate to a worthwhile pursuit, please contact Mack Walker at (903)838-4393 or Mary Spencer at (903)671-3622. We will pair people in our congregation that need a helping hand with someone in our congregation willing to lend one.
Compassion Fund
Hardy's Compassion Fund is very important in the life of the church. This fund helps to defray expenses incurred when the church provides a meal for a bereaved family and also makes it possible for us to help the needy. Please consider the Compassion Fund when making donations to memorials, etc.
Bingo at Sterling House
Our committee has adopted Sterling House to help connect with and meet the needs of their elderly residents, some of which are members of our church. We need volunteers to do BINGO on the 1st Saturday of each month, from 2 to 3 p.m.
The Heifer International
Heifer International's mission is to work with communities in an effort to end world hunger and poverty. This organization makes it possible to give families in Third World Countries a hand-up, rather than a hand-out and by doing so to turn lives of hunger and poverty into self-reliance and hope. Consider giving a donation to Heifer International as a Christmas gift. Donations help to provide livestock, seeds, and training to struggling families, each gift-giving an opportunity for self-reliance to a struggling family. Your check may be made payable to Hardy Memorial Global Methodist Church with a notation: For Heifer International.
Operation Christmas Child
In the fall, the church participates in collecting items for Operation Christmas Child sponsored by Samaritan's Purse International Relief. Members pack a shoebox full of specified items to ship to children around the world. This enables the church to reach out to children to share the love of Jesus.
Miguel Arenas Herrera
Miguel Arenas is a missionary with the General Board of Global Ministries of The Global Methodist Church assigned to the Iglesia Metodista en el Uruguay (Methodist Church of Uruguay). From 2002 to 2005 he served at the Crandon Institute in Salto as an English as a second language teacher and chaplain of the school. From 2006 to 2009 he is serving as a local pastor with the Iglesia Metodista San Lucas in Paysandú.
Regarding the role of education, he feels, "Education is not only to teach someone a certain subject or knowledge skill, it's also a way to live and share God's love to others, and be involved in ministry with those around you." Hardy Memorial Global Methodist Church prays for and supports Miguel's ministry.
U.M. ARMY is an acronym for Global Methodist Action Reach-Out Mission by Youth. It is an opportunity for youth and adults to experience Christian growth through mission, worship and fellowship. Participants combine their strengths to meet the home repair and maintenance needs of those unable to help themselves. It is for students who have completed at least one year of High School. For more information, visit the UM ARMY website.
One Day Mission
One day every spring the church congregates to perform mission activities to aide local and global needs. The group bag rice for the Stop Hunger Now Organization; bag beans for Texarkana food banks; address cards and prepare flower arrangements for the church's homebound members. It is a great time for fellowship and helping others.
Randy Sams' Outreach
On the second Thursday of each month, Bob & Lou Pickens furnish a meal for the Randy Sams' Outreach Shelter, Inc. They serve it at 5:45 PM. Volunteers are invited to help serve. Just call Bob (903-838-3507) and let him know you would like to help.
Food Pantry
Hardy UMC collects grocery items for the community. Every third Wednesday the church committee distributes these items to people in the community who have a need. The committee coordinates with Harvest Texarkana to do this. This is one of our community missions.