Reverend Patrick Evans, Senior Pastor

When we read the Gospel of Matthew, we see Jesus calling his first disciples in chapter 4. He begins with the invitation,

"Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men." Immediately after he calls Simon and Andrew and James and John, we're given a summary statement of his activity. That summary statement is repeated nearly verbatim later in 9:35. In between Jesus is doing exactly those things and his disciples are with him the whole time, learning to do what he does. Immediately after this, he sent them out into the mission field to reach those who are "harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd."

Jesus still works that way. After we put our faith in him, we learn to take up his way of living. Then he sends us out to connect with and witness to those who are
"harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd."

Sometimes that happens here at the church. We'll be having our annual Trunk or Treat the evening of October 27. Though it might look like this is only an occasion to dress up and give out flavorful sugar concoctions, we take it to be an opportunity to connect with people. Sure, many of our people wear costumes and hand out candy. More important, however, are the conversations we have with the children and their families. We also have a prayer booth where we instigate prayer with our guests.

Sometimes our connection and witness happen away from the church property. I think of our efforts in campus ministry. We've begun partnership with the TAMU-T food pantry. We hosted 80 students from India at our July 4th event. There's a major new area of outreach we'd like to start there. There are many students who are far from home, even many who cannot go home when there's a break. I'm praying that God will raise up people in our congregation to be a home away from home for these students. I imagine our people having students over for meals – perhaps for holidays and other occasions. By starting with hospitality and friendship, we can can, over time, share Jesus.

Would you be willing to step out in this ministry to college students? We're at the very beginning stages, so we don't know yet exactly how it will work. In addition to having people who will open their lives and homes to students, we could use someone in an administrative role of organizing the ministry. If you sense the call and have the gifts, let us know. We'd like to get going before Thanksgiving.

1 Corinthians 15:58
Rev. Richard Heyduck